We Specialize in Treating Neck and Back Pain due to Worker's Comp and Auto Injuries
We Specialize in Treating Neck and Back Pain due to Worker's Comp and Auto Injuries
In New York State, all employers are required to maintain insurance that provides, at no cost to you, treatment of any injury that began while you were at work. Our doctors have over 25 years of experience treating work related injuries in NY State and will help you understand your specific diagnosis, while providing treatment to get you out of pain as quickly as possible.
There is no need for a referral. Chiropractic care for work-related neck and back injuries is always pre-approved, so you can call directly to get started feeling better right away.
Because this injury happened at work, it is particularly challinging to navigate all of the details of your recovery. In addition to focusing on your main goal of pain relief and full recovery, you may need to acurately communicate with your employer about your work status, and ensure that you get all of your wages if you are temporariy disabled from your job.
We will help you with:
-Understanding your injury
-Effective and Fast Pain Reilef
-Determining When You Can Go Back To Work
-Requesting Appropriate Light Duty, if needed
-Rehabilitation of Your Injury for More Complete Recovery
-Referrals to Trusted Medical Providers, when needed
-Referral to trusted Legal Representation, if needed
Educating you, your loved ones and your employer is an important aspect of guiding you to full recovery and return to work. The importance of education is made very clear in the NYS Workers Compensation Guidelines, therefore, we have numerous education options for our patients, starting with conversations with your doctor, but also including a lecture component to our "Intensive Spine Stability Rehab Program", and our online workers compensation education video that will be uploaded in the near future.
This 6-session group program provides intensive education regarding the nature of back pain and the necessary steps for the fasted possible response to your care.
Acupuncture can be very effective for accident-related neck and back pain and stiffness. In NY State, acupuncture is a covered service for these conditions, and simply requires a referral from your current medical provider.
At Malta Chiropractic and Sports Rehab, we are fortunate to have a very skilled acupuncturist on staff right in our facility. Shana Kearney L.Ac., Dipl. Ac is certified to treat NYS workers compensation patients and is ready to provide you relief.